Café Soul

  • Company/Studio
    Montenegro Design
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Mateus Montenegro
  • Design Team
    Mateus Matos Montenegro, Ricardo Montenegro
  • Client
    Café Tunico
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Project Website

LIGHT, YOUNG & INCLUSIVE. The café Soul is an experience based on the concept of carpe diem and well-being. 100% Arabia, crafted with affection, accessible to everyone. Soul embodies the essence of coffee, it's coffee with soul. Its brand is visually mutable, reflecting joy, plurality, and inclusion, with elements inspired by the family of the seven (7) sons of Mr. Tunico. In a design that is not only unique but of many, the packaging incorporates the brand's elements, showcasing its versatility. Illustrative characters represent the diversity of the concept, where each can choose their own.

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