At home in the Alps

  • Company/Studio
    Jadric Architektur
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Mladen Jadric
  • Design Team
    Nikolaus Punzengruber, Jakob Mayer, Nerea Garcia Berriozabal, Tsegmidsuren Enkhbaatar
  • Client
  • Credits
    Photo Credits: Yasutaka Kojima Photography
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Project Website

In recent years, Alpine architecture is proving on several fronts to be the architectural typology undergoing truly interesting transformation. Traditional materials and forms are responding to new trends and incorporating new applications, which although not constituting a revival, have prompted a renewed interest in buildings in mountainous areas. This has also been triggered by the virtuous cycle undergone by one of the most sustainable materials ever: wood. The Chalet by Jadric, combines environmental responsibility with technological innovation and cutting-edge design.Text: Alexander Peer

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