Programma Betrokken Rechtspraak (Involved Judiciary program)

  • Company/Studio
    Things to Make and Do
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Rogier Rosema
  • Design Team
    Iskander Dekker, Lemmy Hoogendoorn
  • Client
    Raad van State (Dutch Council of State)
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention

The common thread within the internal Programma Betrokken Rechtspraak of the Raad van State was the advice that the organization should maintain constant in contact with the world around it. Our design is driven by a connection with the theme and a pursuit of organic solutions, inspired by nature itself. We found inspiration in the complex, self-learning and resilient structure of a mycelium. The metaphor of the mycelium is at the core of our concept and extends to all necessary parts of the program.

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