Polycycle Illumination – Lamps Crafted from Upcycled Plastic Bags for Ocean Conservation

  • Instagram
  • University/School
    Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Xuanhao Li
  • Credits
    Xuanhao Li.
  • Prize
    Winner in Product Design/Eco Design
  • Project Website

Polycycle Illumination repurposes discarded PE plastic bags into elegant jellyfish-shaped table lamps, combating ocean plastic pollution. Each year, around 100 billion plastic bags enter the ocean, posing a threat to marine life. Due to their translucent film texture, discarded plastic bags drifting in the ocean often resemble jellyfish, leading sea turtles to mistakenly ingest them. By fusing plastic bags into translucent sheets and crafting them into lamps, Polycycle Illumination aims to prolong the lifespan of plastic materials, reduce plastic waste, and foster a safer ocean environment.

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