HEAR ME: AI-Based Smart Personal Assistant for People with Hearing and Speech Disabilities

  • Company/Studio
    Hmw Design Studio
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Xiaobi Pan, Junru Xu
  • Client
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Project Website

HEAR ME is an app that uses AI technology and mindful design to provide holistic support for the deaf and non-vocal community, enabling them to better connect with the world, and live an easier, happier and more fulfilling life. Its real-time AI avatar interpreter as well as local human interpreter features can help user translate between spoken and sign languages for a variety of scenarios ranging from face-to-face conversations, to video calls, movie/TV, etc. On top of that, it performs 24/7 mood tracking and avatar-based personal assistance service to enhance user's mental well-being.

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