Kaiser-Josef-Platz Wels

  • Company/Studio
    Atelier Dede + Steinkogler Aigner Architekten
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    David Dobetsberger
  • Design Team
    Michael Aigner, Roman Putschögl
  • Client
    Stadt Wels
  • Credits
    Photos by Christian Pichlkastner
  • Prize
    Winner in Architecture/Infrastructures & Transportation
  • Project Website

Part A of Kaiser-Josef-Platz in Wels, Austria has been opened in 2021. The once large suburban square is intended to connect the country and the city. Our design shows influences from the surrounding area and the history of the landscape, but should retain an urban character. Sufficiently cooling trees, which have already proven to be climate-friendly, together with the landscape islands, form the framework for the urban space, which, in addition to the dynamism that it already has, should also offer space to linger.

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