Aloe Vera Lighting

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  • University/School
    Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Afshin Mehdizadegan Hosseini
  • Prize
    Winner in Product Design/Furniture & Lighting

Aloe Vera is a symbol of peace and luck. To display these symbols, each branch of this Aloe Vera plant gradually directs light from bottom to top towards darkness. By observing this light pattern, the user unconsciously receives a sense of tranquility. In addition, the white lamp at the center of the product represents a new bud in the plant that has been protected by the surrounding leaves, giving it a chance to thrive and survive. At night, the light can be adjusted to a red-orange hue, which, according to research, promotes a soothing effect conducive to improved sleep and relaxation.

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