• Company/Studio
    Franklin Azzi Architecture
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Franklin Azzi
  • Client
    La Tour d'Argent
  • Credits
    Photo by Ambroise Tézenas
  • Prize
    Winner in Interior Design/Hospitality
  • Project Website

Undisputed institution of French gastronomy run by the Terrail family for three generations, the Tour d’Argent engaged Franklin Azzi for the renovation of its Michelin-starred restaurant and the refurbishment of the building that houses it. From the redesigned panoramic dining room, the creation of a bar, a terrace, and a suite with its own private dining room, right down to the design of the furniture, Franklin Azzi has designed the entire project. Working as architect, interior architect and designer, he has transformed the Tour d’Argent.

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