Future Community Center, Xikou

  • Company/Studio
    y.ad studio
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Yan Yang
  • Design Team
    Wu Kejia
  • Client
    People's Government of Xikou Town, Longyou County
  • Credits
    Photos by: SCHRAN
  • Prize
    Winner in Architecture/Small Scale Project

The building offers a diverse range of facilities and amenities including the indoor and outdoor play areas for children, climbing walls, self-service kiosks, healthcare facilities, a lectures hall and yoga room for knowledge sharing, as well as public gathering and leisure areas. To address the lower position of the site, the building was elevated by raising the ground floor to match the height of the east-west road. This elevation made the community center a "bridge" that connects the circulation routes of the east and west communities, previously separated by varying elevations.

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