Canal Nacional Socio-Environmental Rehabilitation

  • Company/Studio
    Secretaría Del Medio Ambiente & Sistema de Aguas de la Ciudad de México
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Maritza Hernández & Miguel Carmona
  • Design Team
    Josefina Ponce, Laura Varela, Germán Mondragón, Gary Chávez, Diana Hernández, Jorge Badillo, Fernanda Romero, Alberto Díaz, Teresa Cantoral
  • Client
    Mexico City
  • Credits
    Sedema & Horno Taller de Paisaje y Arquitectura
  • Prize
    Winner in Landscape Design/Sustainable development

Canal Nacional is a project that revives and recovers Mexico City’s lacustrine past, unique for its biodiversity and history. The project spans over 8.5 km, benefitting 363 000 inhabitants. It improves the social and urban fabric, promotes the connectivity within the neighborhoods and enhances the quality of life of the community. Through green and blue infrastructure techniques, the project recovered the socio-environmental services. The design boosts urban runoff catchment, ecological connectivity and biodiversity increase for strengthening the resilience of the city to environmental risks.

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