Zhuhai Municipal Elderly Care Service Institution

  • Company/Studio
    CCDI Group - 21 Design
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Wang Lang, Jin Ai, Chen Fengjiao
  • Design Team
    Zhai Xiaohui, Mao Shuting, Zhang Hairong, Cheng Ding, Zhang Chao, Zhang Yingxin, Li Qian, Lin Jia, Zhu Yuanhong, Zhu Xuezeng, LI Yushan, Nie Changning
  • Client
    Zhuhai Civil Affairs Bureau
  • Prize
    Winner in Architecture/Public Architecture

Zhuhai municipal elderly care service institution is located in the south of Zhuhai Avenue, Nanping District, facing Xianzhu Park in the southwest, with a good landscape view and residential community around it. As a nursing institution in the dense old city, in the case of land shortage and and a large number of bed demand, the site layout takes the environmental advantages, with a semi-enclosed "U-shaped" space facing the green space of Zhuxian Park on the west side, so that as many elderly living units as possible can get a good landscape view.

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