
  • Company/Studio
    Daniel Joseph Chenin, Ltd.
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Daniel Joseph Chenin
  • Design Team
    Eric Weeks, Kevin Welch, Esther Chung, Jose Ruiz, Grace Ko, Alberto Sanchez
  • Client
  • Credits
    Douglas Friedman
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Project Website

The design seeks to establish a distinctive sense of place that balances grandeur, whimsey and modernity. Classical and modern references are deconstructed, reinterpreted, and combined to a create a nuanced aesthetic vocabulary evocative of old Vegas glamour. Inspired by the client’s collection of Hudson River School style paintings, and the decorative frames that surrounded them, a conceptual language of framing architecture and the life within emerged. The program is dissected into a series of carefully framed vignettes that celebrate and bring focus to the activities that occur within them.

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