Franklin University Switzerland, New University Campus

  • Company/Studio
    Flaviano Capriotti Architetti
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Flaviano Capriotti, Guido Cuscianna
  • Design Team
    Pietro Ballabio, Giuseppe Rizza
  • Client
    Franklin University Switzerland
  • Credits
    Photo by Leo Torri
  • Prize
    Winner in Architecture/Educational & Sports
  • Project Website

The project of 6.200 sqm is composed by two different blocks. The bright volume houses the community spaces (student's center, auditorium, gym, offices), it has a curvy shape and is made in translucent U-glass. The residential volume is more private, the facade is made in pigmented striped concrete, it hosts the 29 residential units; the distribution walkways of the units overlook the private garden and the outdoor auditorium. A dynamic system of white photovoltaic louvres, that follow the sun’s orientation, shades the glass facade and simultaneously guarantees energy generation.

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