Architecht Information Systems Headquarters

  • Company/Studio
    Studio 13, Architects
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
  • Design Team
    Didem Akgün, Merve Naç, Natalia Rybakiewicz, Deniz Yetkin
  • Client
    Architecht Information Systems -
  • Credits
    Photo by: İbrahim Özbunar
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention

One of our key objectives for the Architecht HQ was to reflect Architecht's identity. Starting from the entrance area of a technology and software company the language of coding stands out as a design element in every corner of the office. With its human-centered design approach and functional zoning, the HQ provides a diverse working environment. The dividers between the workstations are custom-designed units. Informal work modules are custom-designed to meet the client's needs. The color scheme, inspired by Architecht's corporate identity, creates a balanced space.

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