Lockin S

  • Company/Studio
    Lockin Technology (Beijing) Co.,Ltd.
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Fuyao Sun
  • Design Team
    Fuyao Sun, Hong Yu, Jun Luo
  • Client
  • Credits
    Hong Yu
  • Prize
    Winner in Product Design/Home-ware & accessories

Lockin S is a fully automatic intelligent lock that features remote wireless charging and dual camera monitoring for the first time. It solves the problem of frequent replacement or charging the lock battery, no need to worry about forgetting to charge, and 24-hour video monitoring. The front panel has dual cameras, which can cover the scene at the doorstep in all directions, including caring for the children, express packages, etc., solving the problem of blind spots. It also has a variety of unlocking methods such as face recognition, finger vein recognition, and passwords for users to use.

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