• Company/Studio
    Aizawa Office Inc.
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Yukihiko Aizawa
  • Design Team
    Yukihiko Aizawa, Chiaki Kimura
  • Client
    Sarugakusha, Inc.
  • Credits
    Yoshio Fujisawa, Terufumi Ueno, Jason Arney
  • Prize
    Winner in Graphic Design/Print advertising
  • Project Website

The Awa Odori is a traditional performing art with a 430-year history in the Tokushima prefecture of Japan. It has become one of the most popular summer festivals in Japan. The poster design for AWAODORI PRESS, which promotes Tokushima's Awa Odori dance to a broad international audience, features a woman in a kimono dancing to the rhythm of two beats. By printing the dancers one on top of the other on transparent paper, the effect is that the two dancers appear to be overlapping, creating a vivid image of the female dancer's group beauty.

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