Art Space Gallery

  • Company/Studio
    Lycent Design Studio
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Lycent Lai
  • Design Team
    Jingjing Ma, Xingping Tang, Naigui Xu
  • Credits
    Photo by: Hamo Vision - Yi Gao
  • Prize
    Winner in Interior Design/House & Residential

When the designer first encountered the space, they were amazed by the abundant natural light and the spacious area of the building itself. However, the original space was chaotic and disorderly. Thus, the designer conceived the idea of reconstructing the spatial boundaries, transforming the fragmented space into a cohesive whole. In this design, semi-enclosed walls are frequently used to divide spatial levels, utilizing structural design to separate functional areas. This allows spaces to be interconnected yet independent, enabling unrestricted interaction between people and nature.

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