The Forest of Knowledge

  • Company/Studio
    studio HINGE
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Pravir Sethi
  • Design Team
    Pravir Sethi, Chintan Zalavadiya
  • Client
    The Cricket Club of India Ltd
  • Credits
    photo:Suryan//Dang | lighting:TRACE | video:AVD
  • Prize
    Winner in Interior Design/Civic buildings
  • Project Website

Our design re-examines the role of libraries in the digital age. An activity space brings people together to disseminate ideas through book clubs, launches, workshops & screenings. The design re-imagines existing concrete columns as trees, with circular bookshelves held on branches arching upward to create delicate canopies inspired by those on adjacent trees. This creates an immersive experience akin to being under trees with dappled light filtering through. Freestanding bookshelves form “hedges” providing intimate spaces for browsing, with lounge chairs by windows for longer reads.

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