Mad Madame beauty salon

  • Company/Studio
    3105Designstudio S.A.
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    3105 Design Studio
  • Design Team
    3105 design studio
  • Client
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention

The objective was to create a beauty center seamlessly blending modern and classical elements, enriched by an "island-inspired" approach. The client aimed to avoid common color palettes, emphasizing flawless functionality and ergonomics.Custom-made furnishings in warm tones of white, gray, and natural wood create a serene ambiance.The design achieves a harmonious balance between luxury, sophistication, and practicality, ensuring a delightful experience for both staff and clients.Manicure:Modern & classic blend.Pedicure:Functionality meets aesthetics.Spa:Boho-African vibe.Laser:Boho-modern

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