Conimbriga Mosaics in framed embroidery.

  • Company/Studio
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  • Lead Designer(s)
    António Adauta
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    General public
  • Credits
    photos by Adauta
  • Prize
    Winner in Product Design/Home-ware & accessories
  • Project Website

Using cotton string on aida-sabric and crafting always the Arraiolos stitch, I handmade a embroidery – put between two sheets of glass and a frame – is showed in a wall. Firstly I selected the mosaics and made a chromatic study. Secondly I made the master pattern to be craft in Arraiolos stitch. Finally I handcraft the bordarie spending, in average, one and half month per Quadro. This work is personal and exclusive. All the master patterns are duly registered with IGAC. Each Quadro has a label - on which the work’s name and the author are identified - an axe seal and a certificate.

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