"Ptasie Radio" [The Bird Radio]. A preschool with an eco-park

  • Company/Studio
    Projekt Plus Architekci Sp. z o.o.
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    arch.Tomasz Borkowski
  • Design Team
    arch.Tomasz Borkowski, arch.Grzegorz Tkacz, architects: W.Seichter, M.Jarzyna, P.Łukasik, A.Mróz, A.Adamczyk, A.Woźniak, graphic designer A.Borkowska
  • Client
    Bobrowniki Comune, Gminna Street, Bobrowniki, Poland
  • Credits
    photos by Tomasz Borkowski
  • Prize
    Winner in Architecture/Educational & Sports
  • Project Website

“Ptasie Radio”[The Bird Radio] is a preschool with an area of 2,434sqm built of eco-friendly, energy-saving materials, located in symbiosis with the surrounding area, in a naturally rich area additionally enriched with an eco park. It is created with thought in mind about introducing nature into the lives of the youngest residents of the commune. Thanks to the combination of these two worlds, the world of nature and the world of children we can expect an unusual relationship between man and nature. Building respect for what surrounds us and what we should take care of from an early age.

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