KEJINGWEI K-NATURE Luxury Car Aromatherapy

  • Company/Studio
    Guangzhou Qizhou Trading Co., Ltd
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Bangfeng Wu
  • Design Team
    Bangfeng Wu, Xiulin Chen, Qianxi Shi
  • Prize
    Winner in Product Design/Vehicle, Transport & Accessories

Explore the perfect fusion of nature and technology with the KEJINGWEI K-NATURE Luxury Car Aromatherapy, providing you with an unprecedented fresh experience. With the design concept of "the power of fragrance," we have created a car fragrance that not only refreshes the mind but also has antibacterial and formaldehyde removal capabilities. The antibacterial rate inside the car reaches up to 99.9%, and the formaldehyde removal rate is also as high as 74.1%, ensuring healthier breathing.

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