
  • Company/Studio
    Yinuo Decoration Design Co., Ltd
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Luzhan Cai
  • Design Team
    Jingfang Zhong, Siyan Wu, Qinan Wu
  • Credits
    Photo by: ZHUYI Vision
  • Prize
    Winner in Interior Design/House & Residential

People who yearn for the sea pursue a broad mind and inner peace and tranquility. In this materialistic era, people are increasingly pursuing the abundance of their inner needs. A minimalist lifestyle that does not expect emptiness, but must be refreshing and refreshing. Smooth styling, minimal use of color tones, and minimal closure settings are the language used by the designer to express minimalist design in this case. The ultimate black and white dialogue, while retaining the natural texture of the material itself, creates a more urban atmosphere while slowing down the pace of life.

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