Greentown · Gui Yu Zhao Yang, Dalian

  • Company/Studio
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Shu Jiehua
  • Design Team
    Huang Kanghui, Yang Ji, Cao Yuhan, Chen Tao, Zhao Chaochao, Xu Fangping
  • Client
    Dalian Hongyu Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.
  • Credits
    Photos by: SCHRAN
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention

The project includes four loft apartment buildings, eight serviced apartment buildings, commercial facilities, and supporting amenities. The high-rise buildings feature a three-section facade with horizontal lines forming framework, presenting a rhythmic horizontal stretch. The enclosed master plan establishes a large-scale central park. It involves a landscape system with one ring, two axes, four scenes, and five gardens. Activity venues for different age groups are set up to satisfy the needs of children for playing, of young people for socializing, and of seniors for spending leisure time.

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