ISLE Maison - Pushi Xujiang Huating

  • Company/Studio
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Cheng Feng
  • Design Team
    Zhou Qi, Song Wenjin, Zhu Qinggang, Huang Xin
  • Client
    Suzhou Vanke
  • Credits
    Photo by: Zou Fenghan(4U Studio), E-ar X TARS
  • Prize
    Winner in Architecture/Small Scale Project

Vanke's 'ISLE Maison Series' Pushi Xujiang in Suzhou, targets educated demographics for a vacation-style residence isle. The demonstration area blends classical garden elements, creating vacation-style living spaces. Internal spaces balance independence and connection for natural exploration. The architectural façade prioritizes transparency, lightness, and luxury, inspired by Southeast Asian resorts. The white and gold color palette showcases the 'ISLE Maison Series' aesthetic. The layout maximizes scenic resources along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, emphasizing a stately quality.

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