
  • Company/Studio
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Cheng Feng
  • Design Team
    Su Longfu, Zhou Qi, Song Wenjin, Wang Junding
  • Client
    Wuxi Taihu Xincheng
  • Credits
  • Prize
    Winner in Architecture/Commercial & Offices

Wuxi Taihu Xincheng boosts economic growth in Jingkai District. The demonstration area, aligned with the northwest base corner, adopts a block division and three-story pure modeling box for a street corner display. Upgraded urban green belts create a serene living atmosphere, offering residents outdoor space. Naturalistic planting in the demonstration area replaces traditional commercial design, providing an immersive commercial experience. The three-story box, using stone and illuminated aluminum, echoes the natural landscape. Orderly arranged roofs and volumes harmonize with the environment.

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