Hood Rebranding

  • Company/Studio
    Hood / Flagx
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Roberto Martini
  • Design Team
    Fernanda Peltier / Marco Ariolli / Alice Motta / Edson Luis
  • Client
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Project Website

HOOD is a brand experience studio from FLAGCX (the largest group of independent agencies in the world), known for its focus on design craft and for very creative, careful executions with attention to detail. This year HOOD celebrates 10 years of history with its first change of visual identity. The company founded in 2015 by Marco Arioli (CEO) and inserted into the FLAGCX ecosystem by Roberto Martini (Global Founder and CEO of FLAGCX), updated the aesthetics of all its applications, which include new digital and physical languages, through the proposed rebranding by the HOOD design team itself

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