• Company/Studio
    168 to Be Design Co.,Ltd.
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Miss Phatthanan Prathetthu
  • Client
  • Credits
    Photo by : Mr. Kittipong Sirinawakul
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention

The customer wanted a modern muji design style, white, cream, gray tones, materials emphasizing woodwork. Customers do not like glitter, luxury, and there are no prohibitions regarding Feng Shui principles. Customers are people who like to work. Therefore, we focus on designing a work room that is fully functional. And there must be a relaxation zone to relax from work. The client gave the team a total of 13 rooms to design. The team presented the first design sketch to the client. The customer liked it so much that he approved the design and built it right away.

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