Zhengze School

  • Company/Studio
    Wit Design & Research
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Zhenhua Luo
  • Design Team
    Gongpu Zhao, Yanli Zhang, Ling Yang, Qianxuan Niu, Wenyi Chen
  • Client
    Zhengze School
  • Credits
    One Thousand Degrees
  • Prize
    Winner in Interior Design/Renovation
  • Project Website

The development of the school, which was transformed from an abandoned paper mill into a school.The previously space has been repurposed into a sports hall, lecture hall and science labs. A small square where lectures and Peking opera dance rehearsals can be performed. The space above the reservoir for firefighting is utilized as a space for practicing symphony music, and the rooftop space has been converted into areas for physical classes. Teaching materials are stored and displayed in various public spaces, which allows children to easily access a variety of learning materials.

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