Zhangjiajie Sandstone Painting Museum

  • Company/Studio
    Zhang Hua Studio, Tianjin Uni. Arch.Design&Urban Plan Research Institute Co,. Lt
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Hua Zhang
  • Design Team
    Qian Li, Qing Guo, Qingwen Sun, Qian Wang, Jianwu Wang
  • Client
    Zhangjiajie Junsheng Sand Painting Co., LTD
  • Credits
    Photo by: Chen Su, UK Studio
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention

The sandstone painting that was born in Zhangjiajie is a local modern art.The Sand Painting Museum is the concrete artistic creation of the architect who has studied fractal geometry theory for many years. The architectural surface of the Sand Painting Museum extracts the typical composition of sand painting art. The oblique overlapping wooden grilles resemble the texture depicted by sand painting, as well as the crisscrossing roof of a stilted building.The classic image of a stilted building is embedded in the details of the building facade, showcasing a unique ethnic style.

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