Landscape Renovation design of Julu Road, Shanghai

  • Company/Studio
    BY Design
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Xu Xi, Sun Bingyang, Zhang Xi
  • Design Team
    Zhang Peipei, Wu Piaopiao, Wang Jiale, Li Jingxuan, Zhang Shenlong, Qiu Ziheng, Guo Kefeng
  • Client
    Shanghai Landscaping & City Appearance Administrative Bureau
  • Credits
    Photo by: MAP Photography
  • Prize
    Winner in Landscape Design/Parks & Public spaces, Educational, Community & Recreation facilities

The practise returns to the origin of urban street and awakens the cultural characteristics; it transforms several previously unremarkable corners into street public activity spaces that can provide for residents or passers-by. The story of Julu Road is integrated into the street landscape telling people the legendary history, so that the public can inadvertently find these small details and remember the road. Some of old building facades and retail facilities have also been renovated, bringing vitality and convenience to the area, and creating possibilities for diverse street activities.

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