The Story of Wine, Shazhou Youhuang Cultural Park

  • Company/Studio
    DSI by Senem Cennetoglu
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Senem Cennetoglu
  • Client
    Shazhou Youhuang Cultural Industry Development Co., Ltd.
  • Prize
    Winner in Architecture/Infrastructures & Transportation

Located in Zhangjiagang, along Yangtze river, adjacent to the existing factory complex serving the production while becoming an architectural landmark, an industrial tourism destination. Total 23,500m2 GFA, including a museum, warehouses, brewing workshop, library, restaurants, cafe, bar, exhibition galleries and multipurpose hall, resting and playground areas. The park manifests client’s vision of becoming a first-class brand, leading the industry with an architectural benchmark, otherwise historically known for sprawling warehouses and disconnected buildings strewn across the landscape.

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