Tianmu Lake · LI City Library

  • Company/Studio
    Greater Dog Architects
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Jin XIN, Zhihong HU
  • Design Team
    Jin XIN, Zhihong HU
  • Client
    Jiangsu Tianmu Lake Holding Group Co., Ltd
  • Credits
    Photo credits: Metaviz Studio
  • Prize
    Winner in Architecture/Refurbishment
  • Project Website

The renovation of the LI City Library in Tianmu Lake involved converting an existing office building into a cultural space for 24hrs free reading, with a strong focus on reuse and respect for the original structural framework. The project introduced elements such as natural daylighting and recycled wood exterior materials, significantly enhancing the building's efficiency. This renovation exemplifies the trend toward urban sustainability, extending the building's lifespan and reducing resource wastage. It also provides a cultural sharing and social space for citizens and tourists.

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