Pedestrianizing Jamsu Bridge

  • Company/Studio
    Arch Mist
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Ningzhu Wang
  • Design Team
    Ningzhu Wang, Huijia Lyu
  • Client
    Seoul Metropolitan Government
  • Credits
    Image by: Arch Mist
  • Prize
    Winner in Architecture/Infrastructures & Transportation
  • Project Website

Seoul's Jamsu Bridge, as a flagship initiative of 'Han River Renaissance 2.0', is to be redesigned as a pedestrian bridge with its unique double-decker structure, extending 795 meters. The design envisions a sustainable landmark with pedestrian-friendly space and ample public space that permeates the surrounding neighbourhoods. The concept of 'The Longest Gallery' shapes a destination over the river, weaving with the structure, landscape, and art program. It aspires to define a new urban heart by promoting a healthy and sustainable lifestyle while still celebrating its heritage.

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