
  • University/School
    Tunghai University, Ming Chi University of Technology
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Pei-Tzu Liao, Prof. Kai-Chu Li
  • Design Team
    Pei-Tzu Liao, Wei-Ting Jiang, Prof. Kai-Chu Li
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention

EarCareGuard is a versatile paper-stemmed cotton swab designed for various age groups. Inspired by a paper lantern, it features fold lines at 2, 2.5, and 3 centimeters to accommodate different ear sizes. Users can adjust the stopper distance easily for the best fit by pushing the outer paper sleeve to the corresponding fold lines. This simple design enhances safety, making it convenient for self-use and assisting others with ear cleaning. EarCareGuard ensures a safe and reliable ear cleaning experience.

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