Taoxichuan Ceramic Culture Industrial Park

  • Company/Studio
    Beijing AN-Design Architects + THUPDI
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Jie Zhang
  • Design Team
    Yan Liu, Jianxin Hu, Bingbing Zhang, Weijia Wei, Jiangshan Ye, Ting Li, Jianhua Zeng, Kai Zhong, Mingyu Yu, Siyu Li, Xinyan Li, Dawei Li
  • Client
    Zili Liu, Jingdezhen Tao Cultrue And Tourism Holding Group Co., Ltd.
  • Credits
    Photo by: Li Yao, Fangfang Tian, Baiqiang Cao
  • Prize
    Winner in Landscape Design/Large Scale Projects
  • Project Website

Located in Jingdezhen, renowned worldwide for ceramics, Taoxichuan Park exemplifies a large-scale sustainable regeneration in post-industrial cities. This transformative project has repurposed two significant ceramic factories, which were previously major pollution sources, into a dynamic hub for artists. The park emphasizes sustainability, incorporating reclaimed industrial materials and green technologies. The design synergizes sustainability with enhanced walkability and affordability, establishing Taoxichuan as a benchmark for large-scale redevelopment and sustainable revitalization.

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