City of Sunshine Colors--Guangzhou Urban Color Planning & Design

  • Company/Studio
    Guangzhou Hongyu Architectural Design Co., Ltd,
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Guo Hongyu
  • Design Team
    Cai Yunnan, Li Jinghai, Liu Jiezhen, Cai Wenyue, Zhu Yongting, Chen Hong, Tan Jiayu, Zhao Jing, Wang Minyi, Li Yiran
  • Client
    Guangzhou Planning Bureau
  • Credits
    Guo Hongyu
  • Prize
    Winner in Landscape Design/Large Scale Projects

We explored the color gene of Guangzhou's traditional culture and natural environment, extracted the recommended urban color spectrum with "a sun-shining color Gouache" specially belonging to Guangzhou. The main color tone is the sunshine-feeling intermediate colors”- the medium-high clarity、medium-low purity yellow-grey. This sunny and bright color is most suitable for the characteristics of Guangzhou's natural environment and historical and cultural traditions. We applied these colors to urban space, such as historical blocks, riverside landscape belt and arcade commercial street.

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