54 Social Housing Inca

  • Company/Studio
    Fortuny -Alventosa Morell
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Joan Fortuny , Marc Alventosa , Xavier Morell
  • Design Team
    Joan Fortuny , Marc Alventosa , Xavier Morell , Carlos Meri , Oscar Canalis , Laura Jaume, Estudis d'Enginyeria de les Illes
  • Client
  • Credits
    Photo By Jose Hevia
  • Prize
    Architectural Design of the year / Winner in Architecture/Big Scale building
  • Project Website

The building with two independent volumes generates apublic social space.The module is organized around a central wet core defining two areas with double orientation. Day and night areas change in height due orientation, generating different types of housing. Passive strategies : cross ventilation and outdoor spaces (garden, terraces and patios), traditional solar wood protections (FSC). Natural materials on façade (ceramics recycled cotton and cork and lime coarse) and on the interior clay ceramics fired with biomass, rendering lime. A local economy model with Km0 healthy materials and NZBE.

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