• Company/Studio
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Svetoslav Stanislavov
  • Design Team
    Dimitar Katsarov, Iva Kostova, Hristo Dushev, Petar Nikolov, Borislav Stanchev, Debora Dimitrova, Sanya Kovacheva, Mirela Teofanova, Marina Madzharova
  • Credits
    Photo credits: Dian Stanchev
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Project Website

LH is the first intervention in a pre-existing building of the studio. It is possibly the most challenging, and one of the most responsible projects, especially due to its central location in Varna and its cultural status. The strong belief of STARH in contemporary architecture led the design approach into definitive contemporary expression, while walking the thin line between what’s modern and what’s contextual. Being aware of its responsibility, STARH took the bold step to introduce a design that strengthens the characteristics of the past and add new qualities for the benefit of the future.

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