Pullman Shenzhen North

  • Company/Studio
    YANG & Associates Group
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Bangsheng Yang
  • Design Team
    Yang Bangsheng, Wu Shangrong, Wang Xubin, Wang Yong, Chen Shushan
  • Prize
    Winner in Interior Design/Hospitality

Pullman Shenzhen North is uniquely located less than 200 meters from the Shenzhen North Railway Station. With the railway as the core element, the design responds to the local context and urban communities, the corporate culture of the owner, Shenzhen Metro Group, as well as the origin of the Pullman brand from the railroad sleeping car developed by its founder, George Pullman... the hotel has quickly become the first choice of many business travelers to the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. It has also gained great popularity in the market thanks to its close connection and positive

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