Long Sen Yuan

  • Company/Studio
    HDC Design
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Jiajun Tang, Rene Liu
  • Design Team
    Jiajun Tang, Rene Liu
  • Client
    Chengdu Long Sen Yuan Catering Co., Ltd.
  • Credits
    Photo by: Chuan He
  • Prize
    Winner in Interior Design/Hospitality
  • Project Website

We create a semi-open wall to generate an interactive visual experience between the interior and exterior. The gently sloping roof helps alleviate the sense of distance and oppression caused by the high space, a scale pattern often seen in traditional Eastern folk architecture. Considering the sustainability and environmental friendliness of liquid materials and to reduce construction costs, the entire space is constructed using white organic materials, with traditional Sichuan embroidery used as color accents in the environment.

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