
  • University/School
    National Taipei University of Education
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Sin-Yu Lin, Prof. Li Kai-Chu
  • Design Team
    Sin-Yu Lin, Prof. Li Kai-Chu, Yun-Jhen Wu, Wen-Shin Zeng, Yin-Chi Liu
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention

PCare provide light, sucking monitoring, vibration attraction, and fragrance for babies, with posture sensors and wires to detect abnormal pacifier sucking or not, record sucking conditions, and connect to the host to produce slight vibration. The diffuser valve opens to release a mild fragrance to attract babies to continue sucking, provid soothing, pain relief, and notification to caregivers, ensure that baby can breathe and avoid SIDS. When a child needs to be weaned from PCare, making schedule and diffuser valves can assist the caregiver in making the child less dependent on PCare.

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