Edgewood House

  • Company/Studio
    Terry & Terry Architecture
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Alex Terry
  • Design Team
    Ivan Terry, Naomi Hansen
  • Client
    Gabe Leung
  • Credits
    Bruce Damonte Photography
  • Prize
    Winner in Interior Design/House & Residential
  • Project Website

The design consists of transforming a 1950's Joseph Eichler home. Using a complimenting modern material palette, the design utilizes the primary floor plan, transforming the existing space and forming the new second floor by folding out a series of horizontal and vertical planes of the ground floor. The new roof form creates a large central area and links the bedroom wing with living area. Poured-in-place concrete masses are used to support the roofs, upper floor and cantilevered main stair landing.

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