Linmon Pictures Beijing Office

  • Company/Studio
    UStudies Architects
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Fu Qiang
  • Design Team
    Nora Liu, Zuoning Shen, Xiaoming Sun, Zixuan Zhou
  • Client
    Linmon Pictures
  • Credits
    photo by Arch-Exist
  • Prize
    Winner in Interior Design/Workplace
  • Project Website

Linmon Pictures Beijing office space is located in a Soviet building in the 1950s. The tone of the sequence is extremely strong in the facade of the building. Based on the existing condition, Ustudies Architects creates a corresponding office space, which integrates rhythm and order, and uses natural elements to create a comfortable and pleasant office scene. In addition to the strict functional order, the layout of each layer also integrates different natural elements into it, making a harmonious combination of the sense of natural activity and the sense of order of the sequence.

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