Skip-floor house

  • Company/Studio
    KAMITOPEN Co., Ltd.
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Masahiro Yoshida
  • Design Team
    Yoshie Ishii
  • Credits
    Photo by:Keisuke Miyamoto
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention

The project is an expansion to the clinic owner’s house above a pediatric dental clinic designed for the future development. The wishes of client were “open house with no partitions inside”. We omitted creating wall partitions between rooms necessary for a daily life and proposed different in levels floor plan in which space is divided by steps. When you enter the house there is a hall.Then, when you go upstairs you will see a room with a fire place.Next, when you go up, there is a living room.From there, you go up, you enter a dining room with a kitchen.On the upper floor, there is a bedroom.

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