Sentinel, powered by Kalogon

  • Company/Studio
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Evan Rosenberg
  • Design Team
    Jake Milanowski, Christian Balcom, Connor Crenshaw
  • Client
  • Prize
    Winner in Product Design/Medical & scientifics
  • Project Website

Air-cell cushions are often prescribed to wheelchair users to mitigate the effects of prolonged sitting, a leading cause of preventable death. However, the dynamic nature of a user's environment can lead to fluctuations in cushion pressures, requiring frequent clinical adjustments. Kalogon and Etac created a solution to this problem, marketed as Sentinel. This product maintains the pressure value of a single-cell air cushion. It routinely monitors ambient conditions and corrects cushion pressure accordingly. It also monitors for leaks and can fill the cushion to counteract small leaks.

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