Dalinggen Tea House

  • Company/Studio
    Studio RE+N
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Yuting Zhang
  • Design Team
    Pu Zhang
  • Client
    Xinxing Town
  • Prize
    Winner in Architecture/Cultural Architecture / Winner in Architecture/Small Scale Project
  • Project Website

In Dalingen Village Organic Tea Valley, the Tea House blends modern design with Songyang's tea heritage, transforming an existing signal tower into a tea house and cultural center. It features a southwest entrance leading to a rising panoramic ramp and an interior path descending with stairs for tea events. The design, integrating with the terraced landscape, has an earth-toned façade and a clever roof hiding HVAC systems. This environmentally conscious project is a community hub for tea art, observation, performances, and cultural activities, enhancing the appreciation of local tea culture.

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