Soft Blown by Nichetto Studio

  • Company/Studio
  • Instagram
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Luca Nichetto
  • Design Team
    Nichetto Studio, Lladró Design Team
  • Client
  • Credits
  • Prize
    Winner in Product Design/Furniture & Lighting
  • Project Website

The Soft Blown collection is composed of two lamps: the Afloat chandelier and the Airbloom table lamp. Available in a variety of color ranges, the collection draws inspiration from the spirit of balmy, sunny days when the streets are lined with performance artists effortlessly crafting colorful and intricate balloon creations. This collection highlights the creative possibilities that arise from combining the knowledge of Nichetto Studio together with the craftsmanship and heritage of Lladró’s handmade porcelain lighting, establishing a creative exchange with unique results.

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