South China book festival

  • Company/Studio
    The Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts & Vantree Design
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Muchuan Xu
  • Design Team
    Guanbao Ye, Junjie Li, Dongxi He, Fangtong Yi, Jiajun Yin, Xiaoao, Dongming Shen, Shangzhao Yang, Xingchen Song, Kebei Chen, XiaoSa
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention
  • Project Website

In the book "The Sense of Order", Ernst H. Gombrich uses the decorative art of natural history to explain to readers the profound significance of order perception. With an entire display of books and reading, we also tried to establish a set of rules and order for the reading space in the exhibition. We regarded the South China Book Festival as a whole that full of meaning and connotation, so the theme content, functional layout, and streamline relationship of the exhibition area are sorted out and coordinated.

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