Guangzhou Huayuan S22 Single Family Villa

  • Company/Studio
    Beijing Interface Space Interior Design Co., Ltd.
  • Lead Designer(s)
    Chen Xiangwu
  • Design Team
    Chang Hong, Huang Bin, Wu Fu, Yao Fujiang, Zhang Yanbing, Wang Qiao
  • Client
  • Credits
    Infii Design
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention

This case continues the Eastern new luxury aesthetic, interpreting the "New Luxury Aesthetic" of high-quality interior design in an indirect way. "New Luxury Aesthetic" is a reflection on traditional luxury design. Unlike previous luxury styles, the core essence of the New Luxury Aesthetic is to interpret luxury in a subtle manner, focusing on creating high-quality living spaces. Modern luxury decorates the interior space with high-tech elements that can fully embody their own quality and texture.

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